What is an advance directive for health care?
A written statement instructing the doctor to withdraw or withhold
life-sustaining treatment.
When does the advance directive apply?
When you can no longer communicate your wishes and you are terminally ill or injured. Or, when you are in a permanent unconscious state.
What does it cover?
Any treatment that would only prolong the dying process, such as a respirator, CPR, dialysis, or nutrition and hydration through a tube.
Where should I keep my advance directive after it is signed?
Keep the original in a safe place where your family can find it.
To whom should I give copies?
Your doctor or doctors, your family members, your proxy, the hospital if you have to go, and anyone else who might have to make a decision about your health care.
Does anyone else need to sign it?
Yes! The person you appoint as your proxy MUST sign the advance directive before it can be used.
Alabama State Bar requires the following
"No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers."